Homeland Absurdity

Books I have known and loved
(In no particular order)

Back when I was gainfully employed I actually got paid to read this stuff.
(Not that it was part of my job description or anything you understand. Just a well-paying slacker job.)



Stanislaw Lem
G. Gurdjieff
All and Everything
(Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson)
Gravity's Rainbow
Thomas Pynchon
Mason and Dixon
Thomas Pynchon
The Drowned World
J.G. Ballard
The Western Land
William Burroughs
Cities of the Red Night
William Burroughs
The Place of Dead Roads
William Burroughs
Painting and Guns
William Burroughs
Herman Hesse
Narcissus and Goldmund
Herman Hesse
Magister Ludi
Herman Hesse
Journey to the East
Herman Hesse
Herman Hesse
Martian Timeslip
Philip K. Dick
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
Philip K. Dick
Dr. Bloodmoney
Philip K. Dick
Time Out of Joint
Philip K. Dick
The Cosmic Puppets
Philip K. Dick
Galactic Pot-Healer
Philip K. Dick
The Preserving Machine
Philip K. Dick
Last and First Men
Olaf Stapledon
The Brothers Karamazov
William M. Prescott
History of the Conquest of Mexico & History of the Conquest of Peru
Carlos Castaneda
Teachings of Don Juan:
A Yaqui Way of Knowledge
Carlos Castaneda
A Seperate Reality:
Further Conversations With Don Juan
Journey to Ixtlan:
The Lessons of Don Juan
Carlos Castaneda
Daniel Boorstin
The Discoverers
Frank Waters
Brave Are My People:
Indian Heroes Not Forgotten
The Colorado
Frank Waters
Lonesome Traveler
Jack Kerouac
Jack Kerouac
Safe In Heaven Dead
Jack Kerouac
Idiot's Delight
Robert Hunter
Acid Dreams
Martin A Lee and Bruce Shlain
Storming Heaven
Jay Stevens
History of Coca
(The "Divine Plant" of the Incas)
W. Golden Mortimer, M.D.